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You Can’t Play Monopoly with a Thai

A little overdue, but better late than never – this story is from our last month in Thailand.

We had just tucked the kids in, I’d read Fern a story and from the living room I could see the adults settling in for a game of Monopoly. I asked to join and soon, Eric and I were competing in one of the most interesting games of Monopoly I have played to date. We went around the board, properties quickly made their way into various ownership’s and the game was on. I managed to acquire the first Monopoly (let’s hear it for Baltic and Mediterranean) and soon Eric had the yellow ones and I also gained the Purples (my personal favorite).  Houses and hotels emerged and the money began to roll in. But somehow, though the four others we played with kept landing on our properties, they always managed to have enough money to pay us off.  And soon I realized, they were selling their own properties to one another for $20; or just passing around $500 bills.  And then it dawned on me – I am in Thailand, they don’t do capitalism here. In fact, they don’t really do the whole “individualistic” thing.  No, in Thailand, and Asia in general, it isn’t my money, or my computer. But rather, the money is with Talia or the computer is with Talia. So while Eric and I had geared up for a little world domination – our opponents had geared up for a friendly game of “share and share alike”.  Needless to say the lack of rivalry (being the competition-monger that I am) quickly diminished my interest and I, after a hefty fine, abdicated my position.  Eric however, embraced free enterprise at its best, and quickly found himself king of Monopoly (if there is such a king).  All in all, it was a fun, albeit educational evening.

Side note:  Attention all other racers, a new version of World Raceopoly has recently emerged.  Eric Retterbush can be contacted for a private copy.

Eric and I playing the World Race version.


  1. Thats a brutal pick of me yo, shameless plug…World Racopoly is $49.95. Or about R200,000 in good ol cambodge dollars. Get it while supply lasts…meaning the one and only one I have made.

  2. Hi.

    As I read your blog, your dad’s words about being “ruined” came to mind.

    Your compatibility with the standard issue American life is being ruined, bit-by-bit and country by country. When you return, please change us; don’t let us change you.

    Thanks for sharing your insightful insight about family and possessions and dominance.

    Oh. Periods go before quotation marks in American English.


    But give me substance over form any day.

    Love, admiration and blessings.


  3. Talia – so glad to see you having a little fun! God is doing amazing things in you and i can’t wait to hear all about it in just 2 months!!

  4. Um, the question is, can you get any prettier? No, I don’t think so! 🙂 Is it time for you to come home yet, Talia. I can’t wait!

  5. Um, that was hilarious, talia! Thanks for making me laugh…great writing, by the way! And thanks for posting that pic of Eric…blackmail pics are always fun for the general public!

  6. Thalia!!! you look so pretty and happy, I miss you all and our time in Villa El Salvador, my house, and at the beach. I like your comments about the Thailand culture. Love you. Amalia

  7. hey girl! What a great blog! That must have been one boring game for you because you do so love the competition. I think that Eric should market his game and sell it to each of you guys. I bet everyone’s families would get y’all one for christmas. And then Eric could be rich and have some support for the next batch of world racers!

  8. Greetings! Haha, that is so great Talia! You look good and we wish to learn how to play World Racopoly. Molly says, “Why not?”

  9. You’re hilarious. Nothing like Monopoly in Thailand. We will all be so glad to see you soon. Take care, Betty Boyd

  10. So in World Raceopoly, does the community chest contain a bowl someone else no longer wants that you can now possess? Do you exchange IOU’s instead of money? I love it!!!

  11. Thanks for finally posting Talia, I was getting tired of hearing that you were “going” to write a blog about this!!! I love you?

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