
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

The kingdom advances!

I continue in my search for meaning – and wonder if continuing in short-term missions really does make a difference. And I am continuing to discover evidence that it does. Long-term missions makes a huge difference, but I’m finding that short-term relationships can in fact change the world as well. I just received an email from this girl and wanted to share it with ya’ll.

Hey.. this might be a random message but…

When I was in 8th grade, I went on an AIM missions trip to Lilburn, Georgia. While I was on that trip, I prayed to receive Christ and finally gave my heart to God.

You were the actual person who explained to me what I had to do in order to “have a testimony” and become a Christian. Even though God had definitely been preparing my heart up until that point, I did not make the commitment to Christ until that Thursday night when you explained things to me. It’s OK if you don’t remember any of this; it was like 8 years ago and I doubt that I told anyone. 🙂 But I thought that you might be encouraged to know.

In 2 weeks I am going to Indonesia for a year. I will be sharing with those who need to hear. Thanks for playing a role, however short, in my rebirth. 🙂 Grace and Peace!

(K – hope it was okay to share this!)

I’ve often wondered if the ways I’ve touched people over the years have actually made a difference. But more and more I’m finding out it has! Be encouraged church, the Lord is using us!

On a side note: About $1000 has come in since I sent out my last letter! Praise Jesus and thank you all who have supported me and continue to support me! Only $2000 more to go!:)