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As the team cook I have journeyed through many a market
throughout this world. Each market
proffers exotic fruits, rare sea foods, and peregrine plants that find their existence
amidst the unknown. And more than the tasty
food is the addictive experience of a new culture.

Within the first week of living in Phnom Penh fellow teammates and I had
befriended a fruit lady named Sothy (sue-tee).
I often try and use my market time as ministry as well. So between Jon, Eric and I, many hours were
spent in her company and we quickly became friends. Her family wanted to get to know us as well
and so they invited us all over for Khmer dinner, dancing and a sleepover. We had a blast and loved getting to know her
family – we continued to visit with her family at their various market
locations (4 in total).

Before we left I got to share Jesus with Sothy and her
nephew. The whole family are traditional
Buddhists, although they don’t strongly practice the religion. It’s interesting sharing Jesus with someone
who believes in a different god. You
can’t (necessarily) straight up tell them their god is a failure (caveat: of
course timing and tact are everything, at some point this could be introduced –
but for the sake of argument…) but rather share what Jesus has to offer, invite
them to experience him and let them make up their own minds.

Please pray for Sothy and her family. Pray the Lord moves in her life, pray that
her heart would turn towards the Lord. I
hope to have future racers connect with her in the future – pray they do and
are able to continue the relationship.
Praise God for continued follow-up!
And please please be in prayer for her family. They need Jesus!

(The market is always one of my favorite experiences in each
country; so I wanted to share it with you.

A Walk through the Market from Talia on Vimeo.

7 responses to “Sothy: my Fruit Lady and a Walk through the Market”

  1. Every day? How cool… what a wonderful place… it brought back to mind shopping in the old French market by the river years and years ago when I lived in New Orleans… what wonderful memories you’re building… and, oh, yes… we’ll be praying for Sothy and her family…

    praying for you always…

  2. oh my gosh! That is the name of our first maid in Indonesia. She lived with us. She was I think like maybe 17 or 18. We taught her how to play Charades. She giggled all the time with us… And that market seems a little more grand but very similar to the one I shopped at in Indonesia our first year of marriage. I however was not as skilled at all of that as you are. I was mostly overwhelmed. I think I needed the world race. But all I had was Daddy. Does that make the WR our child? …. ok I’m losing it. I miss you and am so proud and happy for all that is going on in your life. Have some frog legs for me! :0)

  3. That video was awesome! It made me feel like I was right there with you, experiencing all the sights and smells. Mmmm… 🙂