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Happy Summer!  I hope
you are all well!  I wanted to update you
on my life as a lot as happened in the two and a half years since I returned
from the race! 

Upon my return, I felt God leading me away from AIM.   I felt
like he wanted me to take some time to develop my identity, independent of an
organization that was so central to my development.  So, I took two years and moved closer to
Atlanta, I lived with friends, worked at a restaurant and pursued a wide range
of careers (everything from management to day trading).  I really enjoyed working in the restaurant at
first, I got to interact with a wide range of people on a daily bases – it was
like a party happening every day.:)  But
after awhile, with the crunch of the economy I found the negativity began to
wear on me, and I didn’t like who I was becoming.  I consistently remember thinking to myself,
“Who am I?  This is not me!”  The pressure the Lord applied from a tough
economy, working with individuals who didn’t understand the “Jesus” side of me really allowed the Lord to isolate me so I could see
who he made me to be.

So as I continued to seek the Lord and seek opportunities, I
found he kept bringing me back around AIM and I continue to walk forward in
what he shows me.  In October of last
year I was offered a part time position assisting in the Marketing department;
specifically recruiting staff for the Marketing department.  And just recently they’ve offered me a
full-time position.  I like the position  – it allows me to accomplish tasks and work
with people, both of which I am good at.  But what really clinches the job for me, is
that it allows me to be a part of something bigger than myself.  We work closely with the World Race, a
department that sends out 21+ year olds on a year long trek around the world,
ministering to the poor, the prostitutes, the orphans – the least of
these.  A generation is mobilizing across
the globe; and I’m so excited to be a part of facilitating this movement. 

Last fall my father took me to Spain and Romania.  In Romania the World Race was hosting a
conference called the Awakening (  About 200 of us pitched our tents on  a massive campground and spent a week
reuniting, encouraging and worshipping Jesus. 
For the racers currently on the field it was a time of rejuvenation during
an intense year of ministry.  For alumni,
it was a reminder of the work that was done in them and what the Lord continues
to do around the world.  And for everyone
it was a sweet time to fellowship in community. 
We left there reminded that we are on this journey for a reason and that
the Lord is hard at work.  I left
encouraged knowing that God had a plan for my life

Re-launching myself into a fund-raised position is a scary
endeavor; however, God has always shown himself faithful.  Many of you have resources to give and need a
place to invest in the Kingdom.  If
you’re interested in partnering with me in this, please let me know.  I need people who are outside of the AIM
circle who can get involved through prayer, financially and relationally.  If you are unable to contribute financially,
please do not feel like our relationship is in jeopardy.  It is simply important to me that I build a
network of people who want to stand with me for cause of Christ

My immediate needs are $2500 a
month which ends up at $30,000 a year.  I
am looking for people I can share the highs and lows of this journey with.  I want you to have the opportunity to be a
part of that.  All donations are tax
deductible.  You can go online and
support me by going to my blog and clicking on the support me button.  Or, if you’d prefer, you can mail a check,
with my name in the memo line to: Adventures
In Missions, PO Box 534470, Atlanta, GA 
 I also have the opportunity to minister to the
World Racers I am trying to mobilize in Ireland this August.  If anyone has miles they’d like to donate,
please let me know.

I cherish you all and am so grateful that the Lord has sent
such a multitude to join me in the journey.


And yes, I will be resurrecting the ole blog, so feel free
to subscribe on the left.)

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